Tuesday, June 17, 2008

The best and worst week all at once...

It's true... I really do love VBS week. It just gets so exhausting. You're there for hours, there's not much to eat, and should you know what it is you are going to say while on stage, don't expect that you will get a chance to do a real technical rehearsal.

Honestly though, I thought this was one of our greatest accomplishments in VBS history. We built the Set, came up with a skit (one of the best ones I remember), we even pulled of an Ad-Lib host segment that the kids truly seemed to enjoy, and we accomplished all this with no staff members running the show. It was truly an amazing example of what God's people can accomplish when they have no choice but to step up to the plate and get things done for the glory of God.

I got to hear a couple of the best invitations I have ever heard. The gospel was presented so clearly and so passionately that I would have gotten saved again if I could. I saw children worship. I worshipped.

My favorite part of the week however was the time that Justin Boothe and I were on stage interacting with the kids and generally making fools of ourselves. We had a few running gags throughout the week. First, every night after I would have some dilemma I would be told that dancing was the solution to my problem, enter the gorilla... I know, random... We also had commercials running all week for Grumps Sun Tan Lotion... again, enter the gorilla... just look...

Well wasn't that enlightening... I know... this is what we do. Oh and by the way... I lost my sideburns this week thanks to the kids raising over twenty three hundred dollars... Woot for that.

I'm reminded yet again how much I love this church, these people, and there heart for God and this city... Amazing.